Articles From Our Bulletins

Articles From Our Bulletins

Big Problems, Simple Solution

Yes, our world has BIG problems (at least if we believe the reports)- and BIG divisions over whose to blame and what to do to fix them (ditto).  We’re divided over things like government’s proper role (or the corruption of it), race relations, abortion, sexuality (homo, hetero, and a lot of other “alities” and “isms”), and enough social and psychological issues to keep all the “ologists” and “iatrists” in business for years to come.  But have you ever considered what might be the “common denominator” of all of these issues or problems?  No, not some politician or left or right wing extremist group or organization.  Think simpler….

For several decades now we’ve been on a steady diet of evolution and secular humanism from primary and (especially) secondary academia.  The results of which are:

  • There is no God (therefore no meaning in or hope beyond this life);
  • There are no absolutes standards of right and wrong (therefore I get to determine what is right or wrong for me, but because of the next point, it’s probably right for you too); and,
  • Regardless of age, understanding, or experience, how you feel and your opinion matters above all else.  It apparently wasn’t enough to overdose our children on self-esteem (aka self-importance), so parents that wouldn’t trust a child to choose what’s for dinner allow them to “choose” their gender (based on how they feel). 

Please understand that all of these “problems”- and most others that could be included in the list, are spiritual problems.  That’s what has really divided us.  For those who believe not just in but believe God, things are much more simple and straightforward:

  • Human life is sacred; it alone has been infused with divinity- an eternal soul, Gen.1:26;
  • There are only two human genders- male and female, Gen.1:27-28;
  • Sexual relations(hips) are within marriage, and marriage is between a man and woman for life, Matt.19:3-6;
  • Loving God also requires loving your neighbor, Mark 12:30-31; 1John 4:20; and,
  • Though race is real, and differences are recognized, it can not a basis for discrimination or excuse, Gal.3:28.

Now, how many of our “problems” would be solved if we believed in God enough to believe and follow what He said? 

  • Divisions over abortion and euthanasia disappear when we accept and apply Gen.1:26.
  • Gender identity issues- and the untold harm done by those encouraging damaging drugs and supplying mutilation, are resolved when we accept and apply Gen.1:27-28
  • Sexual immorality in all forms (and the damage that goes with it) is eliminated when we accept and apply Matt.19:3-6
  • Loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength AND loving your neighbor as yourself does away with not just “hate” crimes, but all crime when we accept and apply Mark 12:30-31
  • Discrimination, abuse, and/or excuses based on race are removed when we accept and apply Gal.3:28.

Too simple?  Too “pie-in-the-sky” for you?   Do you prefer instead the “mess” that years of evolution and secular humanism have produced?  We are NOW seeing and experiencing the fruits of such playing out before us.  “God is not real- evolution is the explanation of our origins.”  Really?  Then we are just animals and have no basis for condemning each other when we act like them- either abusing power, or destroying or stealing. After all, that’s the way animals live.  Furthermore, if there is no God, there are no “standards” of right or wrong.  Killing a two-year old child in the living room is no different than dismembering a 39 or 40-week one in the womb if they are “mine” and somehow inconvenience me.  Why not?  Animals do it, and that’s what we are if evolution is correct.

Please understand that we do have major issues in this country, and in the world today.  But they are all related to one simple issue: God.  Either He is, and the world is a much different and better place because we believe and follow Him; or, He still is, and world is… well, what we’re seeing right now because we disbelieve and refuse to obey Him.  It is not race that divides us, it is belief and atheism that does so. 

A few generations ago, the world (mostly) chose to “suppress the truth in unrighteousness” and “exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image of corruptible man” and “worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator” (Rom.1:18,23,25) by accepting evolution’s explanations and adopting humanism’s manifesto.  That, my friends, is how we got to where we are now.  We can protest, support, have all the investigations and community meetings we want, and write even more new laws, but unless and until we (societally) accept that God is and must be obeyed, we will remain not only divided, but hopelessly spiraling toward eternal damnation, 2Cor.6:14-18

It doesn’t have to be this way.  We can change.  After noting that the Corinthians were fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, homosexuals, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, and swindlers, Paul also added that “such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God,” 1Cor.6:9-11.  They changed through belief and obedience- and we can too!  “For you have been bought with a price; therefore glorify God in you body,” 1Cor.6:20.