Personal and or Group Bible Study Materials

Personal and or Group Bible Study Materials

"The Selection, Appointment, and Duty of Elders"

This material was originally prepared for and delivered to a Men's One-Day Study group made up mostly of regional preachers, elders, deacons, and Christian men.  Since it was a "One-Day" event, the material was targeted to that group and with that time limitation.  Therefore, it does not deal with matters on which there is general aggreement, or that most capable students of the Word already know or can easily discover for themselves.  For instance, the material does not deal with what the qualifications "temperate, prudent, respectable" mean or how they should be applied. Such doesn't mean that these aspects are less important, just that they were not the focus of attention.  Instead, the material deals with matters about which there is considerable disaggreement or disparity, and offers suggestions to (hopefully) help eliminate it.  This material and the teachings and conclusions therein are solely mine (Philip C. Strong) and should not be considered "the position(s)" taken by any congregation, or its elders or members.  They are offered here in hopes of furthering our understanding and assisting our applications of this important subject.