Articles From Our Bulletins

Articles From Our Bulletins

New Year's Resolutions- the Spiritual Edition

We typically make resolutions this time of year to “do/be better” in the year ahead.  These pledges are usually not too hard to come up with since the same ones we made last year are again available!  So, we renew our commitments to take better care of ourselves by losing weight/bad habits, eating better, sleeping more, and exercising (at least some).  We also promise to do a better job with the externals- managing our time, money, and other resources more profitably.  And then too, we declare that we’re going to work on improving our relationships. In the New Year we’re going to be better parents, children, spouses, bosses, employees, and friends. This all sounds, and actually is, good- if we’re really serious about changing this time around.  But the track record of the past doesn’t bode well for us.  Have you thought about making (and keeping!) some spiritual resolutions instead, or at least in addition to these others?

Will you commit to losing the extra weight of sin this year? Hebrews 12:1 talks about “running with endurance” the spiritual race that is before us.  Running any race with a lot of extra baggage attached is almost, if not altogether, impossible.  This same verse also urges us to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which clings so closely,” (English Standard Version). We simply can’t run this race successfully while carrying about a “body of sin.”  Free yourself from all the “extra weight of sin (Roman 6:3-6) this year.

Will you resolve to auditing and allocating your resources differently this year?  Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul) likely was either already a member of, or was being groomed to be a member of, the Jewish Sanhedrin counsel.  This was a very powerful and likely profitable position.  But when he became convinced of the deity of Jesus Christ, he immediately turned his back on the all the amenities that his former position afforded him.  In speaking of this, he said, "But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord...and count them but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ,” (Philippians 3:7-8).  I am certainly not suggesting that you “give up” your possessions to me, or the church (I/we are interested in your soul’s salvation, not your money) - but I am suggesting that we must all keep these physical things in the proper perspective. Jesus said to “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven....for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also,” Matthew 6:19-21.  Make sure heaven is your primary “bank account” this next year.

Will you pledge to improve your spiritual relationships this year?  1John 3:1 speaks of the blessed privilege Christians have “that we should be called children of God.”  Have you neglected your spiritual Parent? Do you speak to Him often in prayer?  Do you regularly seek counsel and wisdom in His Word(s)?   Do you go and spend time with Him each week to show how much you love and care for Him? Will you work at improving your relationship with Him this year?  And what about His other children- your siblings, are you going to do a better job of being “devoted to one another in brotherly love” and in giving “preference to one another in honor” from Romans 12:10?  Give preference to your “spiritual relationships” this year.

See?  It doesn’t have to be a long list of resolutions to accomplish some pretty major improvements in your life.  What about it?  Are you just going to resolve the same old things this year as you did last year?  Or, will you instead resolve and follow through with a few simple commitments that will completely change your life here, and hereafter?